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The structural organization was designed to facilitate effective research and policies analysis, advocacy, participation and impact on the public policies and contribution in the development of evidence-based solution for the challenges facing the society.

Governance Framework

Board of Directors

It provides the strategic guidance and supervises the overall operation of the institute sand makes sure it commits to its messages and values.

The Director General

Responsible for the general management and for the lead role of the institute.

Advisory Board

Composed of experts and policy makers, and influential individual who provide orientation and contribute with ideas and advises on the researches and policies initiative of the institute.

Programme Directors

They supervise the specific programmes or initiatives within the institute and coordinate activities sand mange the resources as well as ensuring the effective implementation of the projects.

Communication and Advocacy Director

Develop and implement communication and advocacy strategies, mange the public relations and contribute along with the stakeholders in spreading and result of the researches and the recommendations effectively.

Main Sections and Units

Policy Analysis Unit

The unit conducts profound research on different policies issues, analysis the data and conduct assessment on impact and makes evidence-based recommendations.

The Advocacy Unit

This unit focus on call for change in policies and on participation with policies makers and in organizing events, boost cooperation with the main stakeholders to influence political decisions.

Capacity Building Unit

The unit designs and deliver training programme and workshop, initiatives of capacity building for the designers of policies and for civil society employees and other stakeholders concerned, to better their understanding of the general policies issues.

Operation Section

This section is responsible for to runt the administrative jobs within the institute including the financial and human resources, operation and logistics services.

Advisory boards, the Committees and Partnerships

Policies Advisory Committee

It brings together foreign experts and policy makers, intellectual leaders who provide orientation and expertise on research priorities and orientation as well as joint initiatives.

Foreign Partnership

Propose and assess partnership of the institute with government agencies and academic institutions and nonprofit organizations, international organizations for cooperation in the domain of joint research, project and initiatives.

Policies Dialogue Forums

The institute organizes regular dialogue forums, that brings together policy makers, representatives of civil societies, and experts with the view to discuss urgent challenges and explore solutions for them.