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Vision, Mission, and Focus Areas
  • 1| We are an independent intellectual institute, created in 2022, as part of wider network at the national level, devoted to leading positive change via research, dialogue and evidence-based policies. Our objective is to contribute in a peaceful democratic and prosperous future for the Sudan, where justice, transparency and sustainable development would flourish.

  • Our vision is to build a peaceful, democratic and stable Sudan. We   envision a society where all inhabitants enjoy equal opportunities and rights and have access to resources.
  • Our mission is to conduct research and carry out thorough analysis and develop policies that are in line with the specific Sudanese context. We aim to create value knowledge, boost object dialogue and provide evidence-based recommendations to the decision-making people and to the civil society and other stakeholders. Our focus is on formulating effective policies and strategies that boost peace, democracy and social and economic development.

    Our Focus area:

    • Government and Democracy: We adopt an in-depth approach towards the democracy process, institutions building, government reform. Our reach targets ways for strengthening the democratic institutions, boosting people participation and improving accountability and transparency. 
    • Peace and conflict: We analyze the root causes behind conflict, study peace agreements, propose strategies for sustainable peace, and our focus include reconciliation, interim justice and social cohesion to boost resolution and preventing future violence.
    • Social and economic development: We study the economic policies and the social welfare programmes and the comprehensive development strategies and our research may decide the economic development opportunities creating work opportunities, and poverty reduction, the just distribution of the resources. We carry out studies on the development initiatives and their impact on the marginalized communities and invite for fair economic policies.
    • Human rights and social justice: We call for respect and boosting of human rights, gender equality, social justice and our research tackle civil liberties, access to justice and rights of the marginalized sectors. We work tirelessly to achieve equal rights for all inhabitants.
  • Research and analysis: Conduct comprehensive research, collect data, study trends and impact in the area of our focus, and develop evidence-based reports, policies briefings, and layers for briefing decision-making persons and the general public.
  • Policy development: We engage in formulating policies, providing recommendations, and calling for effective reform and policies. We collaborate with government institutions, civil society organizations, and international partners to influence the adoption and implementation of policies.  
  • Capacity building and training: organize workshops, conferences, and training programs to boost the capabilities of policymakers and researchers, as well as other effective actors in civil society. Encourage the exchange of knowledge, adopt critical thinking, and develop expertise to boost the transition process and rehabilitation of Sudan.
  • Dialogue and communication: facilitate the comprehensive dialogue platform, conference, and forums so as to bring together the various stakeholders including the policy-making. researches and activities as well as the traditional civil society, encourage constructive discussions and exchange of ideas and collaboration to boost the construction of concord in views and taking comprehensive recommendations.
  • Spreading knowledge: publish results of research to help spread knowledge and encourage enlightened public statements, making use of the different communications channels including the specialized website and civil societies contacts, partnership with the media with the view to be able to reach a wide audience and increase awareness on questions related to political issues.

The structural organization was designed to facilitate effective research and policy analysis, advocacy, participation, and impact on public policies and contribution to the development of evidence-based solutions for the challenges facing society.

Governance framework

  • Board of directors: it provides strategic guidance supervises the overall operation of the institute sand makes sure it commits to its messages and values.
  • The Director General: responsible for the general management and the lead role of the institute.
  • Advisory board: the advisory board is composed of expert policy makers, and influential individuals who provide orientation and contribute with ideas and advice on the research and policy initiatives of the institute.
  • Programme Directors: they supervise the specific programmes or initiatives within the institute coordinate activities and manage the resources as well as ensure the effective implementation of the projects.
  • Communication and advocacy director: develop and implement communication and advocacy strategies, mange public relations, and contribute along with the stakeholders in spreading and results of the research and the recommendations effectively.

The main sections and units

  • The policy analysis unit: the units conduct profound research on different policies issues, analysis the data and conduct assessment on impact and makes evidence-based recommendations.
  • The Advocacy Unit: this unit focus on call for change in policies and on participation with policies makers and in organizing events, boost cooperation with the main stakeholders to influence political decisions.
  • Capacity building unit: the unit designs and deliver training programme and workshop, initiatives of capacity building for the designers of policies and for civil society employees and other stakeholders concerned, to better their understanding of the general policies issues.
  • Operation section: this section is responsible for to runt the administrative jobs within the institute including the financial and human resources, operation and logistics services.

Advisory boards, the Committees and Partnerships

  • The Policies Advisory Committee: it brings together foreign experts and policy makers, intellectual leaders who provide orientation and expertise on research priorities and orientation as well as joint initiatives.
  • Foreign partnership: propose and assess partnership of the institute with government agencies and academic institutions and nonprofit organizations, international organizations for cooperation in the domain of joint research, project and initiatives.
  • Policies dialogue forums: the institute organizes regular dialogue forums, that brings together policies makers, representatives of civil societies, and experts with the view to discuss urgent challenges and explore solutions for them.

We pride ourselves of having within our organization a team of researchers and highly qualified staff with diverse expertise and background in carrying out meticulous researches. The expertise and research capabilities of our institute include a wide range of policies domain which allows us to treat all complex society challenges and to provide evidence-based recommendations. These are some of the main points:

  • Research qualifications: our researchers have advance academic qualifications (PhD, masters and equivalent) in fields such as general policies, economic, political science, sociology, environmental studies and other relevant specializations. Their academic background provides them with the solid bases in the research methodologies and in analysis and techniques of policies assessment.
  • Wide range of research expertise: our team of experts has gained huge research experience, within academic institutions and in preparing applied research. They carried out many research projects at the local, regional, and international levels, in collaboration with varied stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and international partners.
  • Wide range of qualifications: our researchers enjoy a wide range of skills and expertise a matter that allows us to treat the different policies challenges that require different specializations and qualifications. These skills include qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, statistical analysis, econometrics, survey designing, policies modelling, assessment of impact and case studies which allows us to have in our disposition varied groups of skills that We   could use in our research and to adapt with different research contexts.
  • Areas of specialization: our researchers are specialized in different domains, which enables us to cover wide range of society issues, including for example, economic policies and development, development, social welfare, inequality, sustainable environment and climate change, education and reform, healthcare, general health, government, general administration, urban planning and sustained urban, sustainable cities, technology and creation.
  • Collaborative research: our institute encourages local and international collaboration and our researchers participate in multi-disciplined research and work for establishing partnership with academic institutions and research centers and with experts in specific domain. The collaboration process boosts our research capacities and allows us to benefit from those specialized resources and knowledge.
  • Impact: our researches are directed to enrich discussion and to have impact on decision making process. We   have a track record in producing high quality research report and policies briefings, and recommendations that could be reached and implemented and are relevant to policy makers and practitioners as well as to the public in general.

Collaboration and partnership: We firmly believe in the power of cooperation and partnership to boost our research outcome and to be able to make use of the resources and boost exchange of knowledge. We   are actively open to participate in all forms of cooperation with different local, and national organizations and with academic institution and think tank centers. Following is a general view of our cooperation and partnership methods

The collaboration methods

  • Exchange of knowledge: We boost the culture of knowledge exchange internally amongst members of our team but also externally with partner’s organizations. We organize forum and workshop and conference to facilitate this exchange of ideas and research results as well as the best practices.
  • Joint research projects: We earnestly endeavor to have opportunities for join research project with partners’ organization and academic institutions which will allow us to engage in collaboration process through conducting wide range of research initiative and to bring together various expertise and to share resources for treatment of complex policy challenges.
  • Capacity Building Initiatives: We give priority to capacity building initiatives and collaboration that aim at boosting the research skills and knowledge of the members of our team and the partner’s organizations. This includes training programmes, and workshops and orientation opportunities.


  • Local organizations: We endeavor to closely cooperate with local nonprofit organizations and advocacy groups and government agencies. Such partnership will enable us understand the local context and be able to reach data at the ground level, and to ensure that our researches are important and are applicable.
  • Academic institutions: We maintain partnership with academic institution both local and internationally and are open to more, this partnership covers joint research project, exchange of teaching staff, having access to academic resources and We mostly collaborate with professor and teaches who entertain the same area of intre3st, and thus We   complement each other.
  • Think-tanks and research institutes: We forge partnership with think tanks and research institutes that have similar interests and work in the same fields of our focus. This partnership facilitates the exchange of knowledge and conducting joint research and exchanging best practices in analysis of policies and in advocacy.
  • Official agreement and Memorandums of understanding:
  • We have concluded a number of official agreement and MOU with a selected group of partner organizations with the aim of boosting collaboration and set the preconditions for partnership. In most cases the agreement would set the scope of the research project and the protocols for sharing data and intellectual properties and funding arrangements.
  • These official agreements and MOUs work as a base for long term partnership and provide the framework for effective collaboration, thus guaranteeing joint benefit and setting joint goals. Through our collaborative approach and our strategic partnership, we aim to boost support and expand the basis for our researches and maximize the impact of our work. This collaboration provides us with the opportunity to benefit from views and resources and varied experiences of our partners which ultimately lead to concluding more solid and applicable recommendations.

Impact and participation: We have, since the establishment of the institute as a specialized unit, enjoyed a plentiful record of impact and participation in the decision-making, and We work diligently to ensure that our research and our recommendations relative to the policies will have a tangible impact on the government policies, on the legislation and public statements. We are well aware of the importance of dealing with the main stakeholders, including policy makers civil society organizations, and the public at large, to decide the working timetables for the policies and for cementing constructive dialogue. Following are examples of the efforts deployed by our institute with regard to policies and participation.

Impact on government policies and legislations:

  • Summaries and policy reports: We produce political summaries and comprehensive political research reports that serve as extracts on complex political issues and transform them into briefing and coordinates that are reachable. And these reports and evidence-based recommendations are widely cited and published among relevant government agencies, to enrich the development of policies and other legislative process.
  • Working group participations: Our institute participates in working groups and work team led by the governments. Through our contribution We provide inputs in the form of research and policy analysis and recommendations that are directly adopted within the recommendation of the working team and do impact the political decisions.

Influencing public statements:

  • Sharing With The Media: We share our research results, ideas and recommendations with the media through opinion articles, interviews and experts’ commentaries and this contributes in forming and influencing the public statements, increasing awareness on important political issues and impact the public opinion.
  • Activities And General Conferences: We organize public activities and conferences, discussion sessions for facilitate dialogue among policies experts and civil society organizations and the general public. We also provide platform to review results of researches and exchange of views, boosting enlightened discussions on pressing political challenges.
  • Participation Via Internet: our institute uses digital platforms in an active way including the use of social medias, blogs, pod Kat to publish the outcome of the researches and to interact with the general public, encourage public debates on political issue. We encourage active participation and reaction from the public through these digital channels.

Involving the stakeholders:

  • Consulting The Policy Makers: We involve policy makers beforehand through consultations and workshops and round table discussions. These participations provide the chance for policy makers to interact directly with the researchers and obtain their view, and include their recommendations in the decisions related to the policies.
  • Collaboration Of The Civil Society: We collaborate with the civil society organizations and the think tanks centers and other advocacy groups to maximize the public impact and through initiative and joint partnership We handle the objective of the joint policies and conduct joint research and coordinate the advocacy efforts in a way that have impact on the policy outcomes.
  • Public Consultations: We participate in the public consultations that are organized by government agencies or other relevant organizations, by presenting position papers and also evidence-based interventions, participation in consultation sessions, thus making sure that our research and policy recommendations are always taken into consideration in the decision-making process.

We are committed to effective general communication and spreading of knowledge which would ensure that the outcome of our research and policy views reach the wider public and are accessed by stakeholders other than the academia. We use different strategies and initiatives to achieve this objective. Following are some of the main efforts:

  • The activities and general conferences: We organize general activities, conferences, and symposiums by way of making contact and ensuring public participation in the outcome of our research. These events provide platforms for the experts policy makers civil society organizations and the general public to meet and exchange views and ideas and discuss pressing public issues. We make sure that these events and activities are available and open for groups of wide-ranging participants.
  • Sharing with the media outlets: We cooperate closely in our activities with the media outlets with the aim of clarifying further our researches results and making sure they reach further audience.  This includes dealing with journalists by writing articles and providing comments from experts and participating in tv and radio interviews and other platforms via the internet, also working with the media We   aim to translate the complex researches into simple narration that could be easily digested by the public
  • Collaboration with the media: We   establish relations with the media including the traditional media outlets and the digital media as well, the aim is to disseminate the outcome of our researches and policy views to the wider public. This collaboration includes regular contributions in the form of articles, columns and interviews, a matter that allows us to share our expertise and our analysis with wider range of readers and audiences,
  • Translation of the researches outcome: We understand the importance of translating the outcome of our researches in forms that could be accessed by the audience other than the academia. This includes the production of policy summaries, graphics and executive summaries that sum up the outcome of complex researches into clear and concise message. This material is published widely in our website and in other social media channels, by our partners in the media making its easy to digest our researches and thus applicable
  • Presence via internet: We    maintain active presence via the internet through our website, the blog, social media platform and these digital channels work as means for sharing the outcome of our research and our policies view as well as any updates in our activities. We   encourage public participation and provide opportunity for the public to int4ract with our researches and to ask question and contribute in the political discussions.
  • Collaboration with the nonacademic organizations: We   collaborate with the nonacademic organizations including the non-governmental organizations and societal groupings and the advocacy organizations, to disseminate the outcome of our researches and the vision on policies in their networks and circles and through those networking with these organizations, we make sure that our reaches have direct impact on the communities affected by the issues of policies that we study.
  • Summaries in simple language: We also develop summary in concise language for our research paper and we translate the technical and academic terminologies into simple and concise language. A summary is thus provided alongside the research papers which are submitted in full, so as to meet the needs of persons who would like to read a simple version that is easy to digest.

We work along with a number of varied funding sources and we follow the model of financial sustainability that secures stability and independence in our operations, following is a general look into the sources of the funding of the institute and the sustainability strategy and the commitment to financial transparency:

Funding sources:

  • Government grant: We welcome grants from legitimate government bodies that provide support for research initiatives which are online with our priorities and these grants contribute in funding specific research projects or institution operations.
  • Donor organizations: We maintain partnership with the local and international partners which have the same message and values as that of the institute. These organizations provide financial support to the institute’s research programme and to the capacity building initiatives as well as to the efforts of calls for policies
  • Academic collaboration: cooperation and partnership with academic institutions is usually coupled with joint funding for research projects and exchange of teaching staff and other initiatives. This collaboration forms the base for the overall funding of the institute
  • Corporate sponsorship: We are open for strategic partnership with private sector entities that support our research agenda and our activities through corporate sponsorship. These corporates provide financial resources and this may also include collaboration in projects or some other specific events.

The strategy of financial sustainability:

  • Long-term financial sustainability: We work to obtain long term funding from government agencies and donor organizations as well as other partners. These commitments secure financial stability and allow for planning and implementation of research initiatives for a number of years and for a number of capacity building projects.
  • Diversified finding sources: to ensure sustainability of funding, we endeavor to diversity our funding sources, through relations with diverse partners including governments, donor organizations and academic institutions, and the private sector. The attitude mitigate the risk related to depending on a single source of funding.
  • Endowments and institutions: We endeavor to establish endowments and to have the assistance of institutions that are in accord with our message and are ready to provide long term funding mechanisms. This is a stable financial base and supports the institute and research activities.
  • Financial transparency and accountability: We are committed to financial transparency and accountability and We keep clear financial records and are committed to financial regulation and the requirement for drafting relevant financial reports
  • Regular verification process: We undergo regular financial checking and auditing by external auditors to ensure full and transparent adherence to financial regulations and management
  • Preparation of financial reports and disclosure: We reveal our finding sources and the financial data and our regular financial report for the concerned stakeholders including the government agencies and the donor organization and the public. These financial reports allow a thorough check on the validities of the financial situation of the institute and the use of its funds.
  • Ethical standards: We are committed to the ethical standards in the management of the finances, by the responsible use of the funds and avoiding conflict of interests and commitment to the financial regulations and the relevant code of conduct.

We are aware of the importance of evaluation and supervision of our researches and our interventions. To ensure the effectiveness of our work and its importance, the following is a general view of the method applied by the institute in evaluating the impact and follow-up. Including the mechanism applies and absorbing the recommendation, the progress made in the policies implementation and the comprehensive social impact

Follow up the understanding of the recommendations:

  • Participation with the policy making: We maintain a continued relationship with the policy making, the government agencies and also by fully engaging and collaborating, the institute could follow up the absorbing of the recommendations in the assessment of policies development process and their implementation
  • Assessment and supervision: We realize the importance of assessing and supervising the impact of our researches and interventions, following is a general look into the institute assessments and the impacts on the supervision and assessment, including the use of evaluation assessment and this would be followed by the recommendations and the progress made in the implementation of these policies and the overall societal impact:

Follow up the recommendations:

  • Participation with the policy makers: We maintain our continued relations with policy makers and with the government agencies. And through involvement in contact and regular cooperation, the institute could follow up closely the degree to which its recommendations have been absorbed in the political development processes and their implementation
  • Summary of policies and reports: We continue to monitor the dissemination and use of the summaries of our policies and researches reports. This includes downloading, quotes and referencing by policy makers and by researchers and other stakeholders. The data thus collected would provide a clear vision as to the extent to which the recommendations are consulted and used.
  • Experts views and consultations: We assess the testimonies made by experts and the participation in the consultation related to the policies by observing the political decisions and measures that are later taken by the relevant authorities. This will help in assessing the impact and how the inputs by experts from the institute digested.

Progress in policies implementation:

  • Monitoring of policies: We monitor the progress made in the implementation of the policies by following the indices and the general features and the relevant results. This includes data assessment, conducting surveys and collaboration with government agencies to collect data on policies implementation.
  • Collaboration with the stakeholders: We collaborate with government agencies, civil society organizations, other stakeholders with the view to collect comments, and views on the implementation of policies that have been impacted by our researches. This approach helps in the assessment of progress made, the challenges and the effectiveness of the interventions

Assessment of Social impact:

  • Impact assessment studies: We conduct studies on the assessment of the overall impact of our researches on the society, this study uses different methodologies including the qualitative and qualitative simple analysis, the survey, interviews and case studies with the view to measure the results and the impact of the policies by the institute
  • Sudan barometer: We do our best to obtain comments and interventions from the stakeholders, including the policymakers and the civil society organizations and the general public, so as to understand the perceived impact of our work. These comments help specify the success chances and areas for improvement and the unexpected consequences of our interventions

Setting the future research priorities and the strategic orientation:

  • Result of the impact assessment: The results of assessment of the impact play a decisive role in setting future researches for the institute and its strategic orientation. By those results of the analysis and the lessons learned from the intervention, we would then specify the areas where we need to conduct more researches but equally the challenges and the opportunities ahead.
  • Reaction and participation of the stakeholders: We actively seek to get comments and get engaged in dialogue with the stakeholders to understand their needs and the emerging priorities. These interventions decide and guide the decision-making process in the Institute which would ensure that our research schedule remains responsive to emerging issues and to community demands.

We give a special attention to dealing with the local communities at the popular levels so as to ensure that the researches and interventions respond to their needs and respond to the views expressed by the marginalized communities. Following are efforts exerted by the Institute with the local communities and the use of the participatory methods, and partnership with the local organizations and the community leaders:

Community research initiatives:
  • The participatory research: We involve members of the local communities in an effective manner in the search process by way of the participatory approaches. This includes conducting in depth group discussions, survey to gather ideas and information directly from the communities under study. The members of the local communities are considered experts in their field of experience and their interventions are appreciated all along the research processes.
  • Collection of collaborative data: We collaborate with the local communities in gathering data and generating knowledge. This includes training local community members as researchers and providing them with the required skills and resources so as to able to collect data within their own communities. This participatory approach works as enabler for the local communities and ensure that the research focuses of the local realities.
  • Participation in setting the research questions: We collaborate with the local communities in setting the research questions and in deciding the priorities. This ensure that the research agenda will handle issues of interest and concern for the local community a matter which reinforces the feeling of ownership and importance.

The participatory approach

  • Workshops and community meetings: We organize workshops and community meetings and forums to facilitate dialogue and help exchange knowledge between the researchers and policy makers and members of the local community. These participatory platforms provide the local community members with the opportunity to share their views and expertise and their priorities directly with the decision makers.
  • Capacity building: We invest in the initiative for capacity building within the local communities. This includes provision of training on research methods and on policies analyses and advocacy skills. By providing the local community members with these skills, they will be able to actively participate in formulating the policies that impact their lives.
  • Collaborative analysis and dissemination: We involve members of the local communities in conducing analysis and in disseminating the results of the research. This will guarantee precise representation of voices and views from the marginalized communities and a wider popular participation. The collaborative analysis and dissemination also work to reinforce knowledge sharing between the researchers and the local communities.

Partnerships with local organizations and community leaders:

  • Collaborative partnerships: We establish partnerships with local organizations, non-governmental organizations and community groups. These partnerships enable us to access experiences, networks and local resources. The collaborative partnerships ensure that research works and interventions should be based on the local context and benefit from the knowledge and experience of community leadership and organizations.
  • Community Consultative Councils: We adopt the form of community-based consultative council consisting of local leaders, activists and representatives of marginalized communities. These councils provide guidance, comments and input throughout the research and intervention process, ensuring that our work remains responsive to the needs and interests of the community.
  • Advocacy at grass-roots level: We support and cooperate with leaders and community organizations in their duties and include such provision of technical assistance or research manuals or platforms to hear the community voices, and by supporting popular call, we aim to empower marginalized communities and facilitate their participation in policy making processes.

We stick to high ethical standards in all aspects of our research efforts. We recognize the importance of research ethics confidentiality and protection of data in ensuring integrity and reliability of work. Here are the main aspects of our moral standards and quality assurance:

Guidelines for research ethics:

  • Commitment to ethical rules: We are strictly committed to the applicable ethical rules and guidelines, such as those developed by international bodies such as the Helsinki Declaration of the International Medical Association, the Belmont report, and the national and regional ethical relevant regulations. Such guidelines provide a framework for research in an ethical and responsible manner.
  • Review of institutional ethics: Our internal ethical review process is working to assess research proposals towards ensuring compliance with ethical principles; this review process includes the risk assessment and potential benefits, as well as procedures for the enlightened consent and the protection of the rights and confidentiality of the participants.
  • Enlightened consent: We get an enlightened consent of participants in the research, the matter that ensures their understanding of the objective and potential procedures, risks and benefits of their participation. Participants are entitled to withdraw from study at any time without any implications.
  • Confidentiality and data protection: We adopt strict protocols to protect the confidentiality and privacy of participants in research. The data collected during research activities are saved securely and can only be accessed by the authorized persons, including all data processing procedures and saving with relevant data protection regulations.

Quality Assurance Mechanisms:

  • The peer review process: We use strict peer review process of research publications, including reports, policies and academic papers. Through this process, the external experts in the areas concerned submit comments and evaluation on the research methodology, analysis and conclusions. The peer review process ensures quality, credibility and validity of the PPI reach outputs.
  • External Evaluation: We host external evaluators or independent evaluation teams to review and evaluate our research projects, our interventions and our organizational performance. These external evaluations provide valuable visions and constructive remarks and recommendations for improvement.
  • Accreditation and recognition: We seek the accreditation and recognition by relevant bodies, such as research institutions, academic associations, or professional organizations. This proves compliance with high quality standards and show our commitment to excellence in research and policy work.
  • Continuing learning and improvement: We strengthen the culture of continuous learning and improvement, and strive to get comments from stakeholders, including research participants, policy makers and partner organizations, to assess our impact and effectiveness and ethical dimensions to intervene. These comments support our efforts to promote research and research ethics and overall quality assurance processes.

We commit to constant learning, adaptation and addressing the challenges and opportunities arising in our future plans and strategic priorities. The following are an overview of the next research areas, policy initiatives and expansion plans:

Emerging areas research:
  • Sustainable development: We aim to deepen our research on sustainable development, focusing on areas of mitigation and adaptation of climate change, renewable energy, sustainable urban planning and resources management. This research will contribute to the provision of policy-making guidance to meet the environmental challenges and promote sustainable development practices.
  • Technology and Community: We recognize the transformational effect of technology on community and plan to explore the areas of research on emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, digital governance and data collection. This research will consider opportunities and challenges associated with technological progress to achieve comprehensive and equitable community results.
  • Social justice and inclusion: We give priority to research in social justice and inclusion issues, including issues such as poverty alleviation, gender equality, ethnic and racial differences, empowering the marginalized society. The results of research will guide policies and interventions to promote comprehensive development and reduction of inequality.

Policies initiatives:

  • Evidence-based advocacy: We are working to strengthen our efforts in the field of advocacy through effective participation with policy makers, government agencies and civil society organizations, with a view to translate the results of research into executable policies and promote evidence-based decision-making processes.
  • Innovation and experimentalism: We encourage innovation policies and experiments through cooperation with government agencies and other stakeholders, supporting the design and implementation of experimental projects, policy experiences and evaluation studies to test and improve interventions.
  • International cooperation: We intend to expand the cooperation and international partnership to promote the exchange of knowledge, comprehensive research and learning of policies. Through working with global partners, we aim to address the national trans-border policy issues as well as contributing to global discussions.

Expansion plans:

  • Capacity building: We plan to invest in capacity-building initiatives to promote researchers and employee’s skills and knowledge by providing training programs, workshops and opportunities for professional development to promote research methodologies, policy analysis and advocacy skills.
  • Awareness and participation: We expand awareness and participation efforts to reach the greatest masses, including policy makers, practitioners, academic milieus, and ordinary people. We benefit from different communication channels, such as online platforms, social media, public events, to disseminate research results, promote dialogue and create awareness about key policy issues.
  • Collaborative partnerships: We strive to establish collaborative partnerships with research institutions, universities, thought centers and organizations working in the related areas, with the most compliance with joint research projects, knowledge exchange initiatives and collaborative policy interventions.

Open Call: We call on individuals, organizations and stakeholders who share our vision and our contact to communicate with us. Your support and contribution are decisive point in achieving our goal of building peaceful, democratic and prosperous Sudan. There are ways where you can participate and contribute to our work:

  • Cooperation: If you are a policy-maker, researcher or representatives of a civil society organization, we welcome the cooperation opportunities, let us work together to develop effective policies, research and promote evidence-based decision-making.
  • Share your experience: If you have experience in governance, peace-building, social and economic development, or human rights, your thoughts can contribute significantly in researches and our policy development. Share your information and experience with us.
  • Attend our events: Anticipate workshops, seminars, conferences and forums, join us in these comprehensive dialogue platforms where the stakeholders are meeting to discuss pressing issues and explore innovative solutions.
  • Participate in our discussions: Follow us on our website and social media platforms to keep informed about the results of our research and policy and reporting summaries. Participate in the discussions by leaving comments and share your view and contribute to a general enlightenment speech.
  • Support our efforts: Help us raise awareness about policy issues in Sudan, and participate in our calls, our publications and reports with your network, and participate in campaigns and advocacy fair and effective policies.

Support our activities: We appreciate your attention to support our activities, your contribution can help us continue our efforts to lead to positive change, research and call for fair policies in the region, following are the ways that you can finance our activities:

  • Individual contributions: You can provide personal donation to support our work; Each contribution, regardless of its size, can make a difference in the promotion of our mission.
  • Corporate Sponsorship: If you represent a company or institution in compatibility with our vision and our mission, you may want to sponsor us. Your sponsorship is a vital advance in our research and policy development and capacity-building initiatives.
  • Grants: We strive to access grants and opportunities for funding from institutions and organizations that support issues of governance, peace-building, social and economic development, human rights and social justice. If you know any relevant financing opportunities, please let us know.
  • Partnerships: We are open to establish partnerships with similar organizations and institutions that share our goals. Collaborative initiatives can help make use of resources and maximize our collective efforts.

Contact us and support our vision and mission, please visit us in our office in Port Sudan, Hai Almatar (Airport Quarter), Block 15, Building No. 422 or Phone Number +249999199945, We will be pleased to discuss how your support can contribute to adequate policies in Sudan. Together We can lead to positive change and promote justice, transparency and sustainable development, and build a brighter future.